
西岡 宏

西岡 宏

私は1986年東京医科大学卒業後、同大学の脳神経外科に入局しました。1990年の米国NY州Montefiore Medical Center神経病理学教室(平野朝雄教授)への留学前後から間脳下垂体疾患に興味を持ち、これまでその臨床(内分泌〜外科治療)と病理を自分のライフワークとして勤しんでまいりました。この間、国内外の様々な先生方との出会いがあり、その一つのご縁で2010年から虎の門病院間脳下垂体外科に移籍し現在にいたっております。当院は臨床症例数、スタッフや診療実績など間脳下垂体疾患診療にきわめて恵まれた環境にあり充実した毎日に感謝しております。





1) Nishioka H, Kontogeorgos G, Lloyd RV, Lopes BS, Mete O, Nose V. Pituitary gland: Null cell adenoma. In: WHO classification of tumours of endocrine organs. 4th edition. Lloyd RV, Osamura RY, Klöppel G, Rosaï.J (eds) IARC, Lyon, 2017 (in press)

2) Nishioka H. Recent evolution of endoscopic endonasal surgery for treatment of pituitary adenomas. Neurol Med Chir [Epub ahead of print] Feb 24, 2017.

3) Nishioka H, Fukuhara N, Yamaguchi-Okada M, Yamada S. Endoscopic endonasal surgery for purely intra-third ventricle craniopharyngioma. World Neurosurg 91:266-271, 2016

4) Nishioka H, Inoshita N, Mete O, Asa SL, Hayashi K, Takeshita A, Fukuhara N, Yamaguchi-Okada M, Takeuchi Y, Yamada S. The complementary role of transcription factors in the accurate diagnosis of clinically nonfunctioning pituitary adenomas. Endocr Pathol 26: 349-355, 2015

5) Nishioka H, Fukuhara N, Horiguchi K, Yamada S. Aggressive transsphenoidal resection of tumors invading the cavernous sinus in patients with acromegaly: predictive factors, strategies, and outcomes. J Neurosurg 121 (3) 505-510, 2014

6) Nishioka H, Inoshita N, Sano T, Fukuhara N, Yamada S. Correlation between histological subtypes and MRI findings in clinically nonfunctioning pituitary adenomas. Endocr Pathol 23: 151-6, 2012

7) Nishioka H, Hara T, Usui M, Fukuhara N, Yamada S. Simultaneous combined supra-infrasellar approach for giant/large multi-lobulated pituitary adenomas. World Neurosurg 77: 533-9, 2012

8) Nishioka H, Tamura K, Iida H, Kutsukake M, Endo A, Ikeda Y, Haraoka J. Co-expression of somatostatin receptor subtypes and estrogen receptor-alpha mRNAs by nonfunctioning pituitary adenomas in young patients. Mol Cell Endocrinol 331: 73–78, 2011

9) Nishioka H, Shibuya M, Ohtsuka K, Ikeda Y, Haraoka J. Endocrinological and MRI features of pituitary adenomas with marked xanthogranulomatous reaction. Neuroradiology 52: 997-1002, 2010

10) Nishioka H, Shibuya M, Haraoka J. Immunohistochemical study for IgG4-positive plasmacytes in pituitary inflammatory lesions. Endocr Pathol 21: 236-241, 2010

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