
山田 正三

山田 正三


間脳下垂体疾患の外科治療を中心に診療を行ってきたが、これらの疾患に対するより低侵襲で、安全性の高い、かつ根治性の高い手術方法の開発、導入をライフワークに研鑽を積んできた。そして従来no man’s landと考えられてきた海綿静脈洞浸潤腫瘍に対する手術法の確立、従来は経鼻的手術が禁忌とされてきた、大きな巨大腫瘍、あるいは鞍上部に主座する腫瘍に対する拡大経鼻手術、開頭と経鼻の同時手術法の本邦における導入と発展に寄与してきた。一方研究面では、これら下垂体腫瘍の発生機序を明らかにすること、及び術後の治療方針の決定や、予後の判定に有用な情報を得ることを目的として、腫瘍の病理学的及び分子生物学的研究を行ってきた。またこれらの研究を行っていく上で、本疾患が希少疾患であること、全ての研究を一施設でその質を担保しつつ終始出来ないこと等を鑑み、他の優れた技術とアイデアを有する研究機関と、研究を分かち合っていく事が、質の高い研究を行い、医学の発展に寄与するためにも重要と考え、当院のみで研究を行うのではなく、研究の内容によっては下記のような多くの施設と共同研究を行ってきた。共同研究機関:聖マリアンナ医大解剖学教室、自治医大解剖学教室、北里大学内分泌代謝内科、東京医科歯科大学内分泌代謝内科、群馬大学第一内科、徳島大学大学院歯学部分子薬理学、トロント大学(カナダ)病理学科、千葉大学内分泌代謝内科、浜松医科内分泌代謝内科大学内分泌内科、神戸大学医学部糖尿病内分泌内科、国立癌センター

今後は、自身の行なってきた多数例の臨床経験と研究の結果をできれば monographの形で一冊の本にできればと考えている。 



1)Sapkota S, Horiguchi K, Tosaka M, Yamada S, Yamada M. Whole-Exome Sequencing Study of Thyrotropin-Secreting Pituitary Adenomas. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2016 Nov 17 [Epub ahead of print]

2)Tofrizal A, Fujiwara K, Yashiro T, Yamada S: Alterations of collagen-producing cells in human pituitary adenomas. Med Mol Morphol. 49:224-232, 2016

3)Nishioka H, Fukuhara N, Yamaguchi-Okada M, Yamada S.: Endoscopic Endonasal Surgery for Purely Intra-Third Ventricle Craniopharyngioma.
World Neurosurg. 91:266-71. 2016

4)Iwata H, Sato K, Nomura R, Tabei Y, Suzuki I, Yokota N, Inoue M, Ohta S, Yamada S, Shibamoto Y.: Long-term results of hypofractionated stereotactic radiotherapy with CyberKnife for growth hormone-secreting pituitary adenoma: evaluation by the Cortina consensus. J Neurooncol. 128(2):267-75, 2016

5)Edo N, Morita K, Suzuki H, Takeshita A, Miyakawa M, Fukuhara N, Nishioka H, Yamada S, Takeuchi Y.: Low insulin resistance after surgery predicts poor GH suppression one year after complete resection for acromegaly: a retrospective study. Endocr J. 31;63(5):469-77, 2016

6)Horiguchi K, Nishioka H, Fukuhara N, Yamaguchi-Okada M, Yamada S.: A new multilayer reconstruction using nasal septal flap combined with fascia graft dural suturing for high-flow cerebrospinal fluid leak after endoscopic endonasal surgery. Neurosurg Rev. 39(3):419-27, 2016

7)Hayashi K, Inoshita N, Kawaguchi K, Ibrahim Ardisasmita A, Suzuki H, Fukuhara N, Okada M, Nishioka H, Takeuchi Y, Komada M, Takeshita A, Yamada S.: The USP8 mutational status may predict drug susceptibility in corticotroph adenomas of Cushing's disease. Eur J Endocrinol. 174:213-26, 2016

8)Nishioka H, Inoshita N, Hayashi K, Takeshita A, Fukuhara N, Yamaguchi-Okada M, Takeuchi Y, Yamada S.: The Complementary Role of Transcription Factors in the Accurate Diagnosis of Clinically Nonfunctioning Pituitary Adenomas. Endocr Pathol. 26:349-55, 2015

9)Yamada S, Inoshita N, Fukuhara N, Yamaguchi-Okada M, Nishioka H, Takeshita A, Suzuki H, Ito J, Takeuchi Y.: Therapeutic outcomes in patients undergoing surgery after diagnosis of Cushing's disease: A single-center study. Endocr J. 62:1115-25, 2015

10)Matsumoto R, Fukuoka H, Iguchi G, Odake Y, Yoshida K, Bando H, Suda K, Nishizawa H, Takahashi M, Yamada S, Ogawa W, Takahashi Y.: Accelerated Telomere Shortening in Acromegaly; IGF-I Induces Telomere Shortening and Cellular Senescence. PLoS One. 2015 10:e0140189, 2015

11)Tani Y, Yamada S, Inoshita N, Hirata Y, Shichiri M.: Regulation of growth hormone secretion by (pro)renin receptor. Sci Rep. 3;5:10878, 2015

12)Yoshimoto T, Takahashi-Fujigasaki J, Inoshita N, Fukuhara N, Nishioka H, Yamada S.: TTF-1-positive oncocytic sellar tumor with follicle formation/ependymal differentiation: non-adenomatous tumor capable of two different interpretations as a pituicytoma or a spindle cell oncocytoma. Brain Tumor Pathol. 32(3):221-7, 2015

13)Fukuhara N, Horiguchi K, Nishioka H, Suzuki H, Takeshita A, Takeuchi Y,Inoshita N, Yamada S:Short-term preoperative octreotide treatment for TSH-secreting pituitary adenoma. Endocr J. 62:21-7 2015

14)Yamada S, Fukuhara N, Horiguchi K, Yamaguchi-Okada M, Nishioka H, Takeshita A, Takeuchi Y, Ito J, Inoshita N: Clinicopathological characteristics and therapeutic outcomes in thyrotropin-secreting pituitary adenomas: a single-center study of 90 cases. J Neurosurg, Dec; 121:1462-73,2014

15)Oyama K, Fukuhara N, Taguchi M, Takeshita A, Takeuchi Y, Yamada S: Transsphenoidal cyst cisternostomy with a keyhole dural opening for sellar arachnoid cysts: technical note. Neurosurg Rev. 37:261-7,2014

16)Arihara Z, Sakurai K, Yamashita R, Niitsuma S, Ueno T, Yamamura N, Yamada S, Inoshita N, Takahashi K: Bromocriptine, a dopamine agonist, increases growth hormone secretion in a patient with acromegaly. Tohoku J Exp Med.234:129-35,2014

17)Yamaguchi-Okada M, Fukuhara N, Nishioka H, Yamada S: Remote extradural haematomas following extended transsphenoidal surgery for a craniopharyngioma--a case report. Br J Neurosurg 28:694-696, 2014

18)Oyama K, Kawana F, Suenaga K, Fukuhara N, Yamada S: A handmade eye movement monitor using a piezoelectric device during transsphenoidal surgery. Neurosurg Rev. 37:287-90,2014

19)Iwata T, Yamada S, Ito J, Inoshita N, Mizusawa N, Ono S, Yoshimoto K: A novel C-terminal nonsense mutation, Q315X, of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor-interacting protein gene in a Japanese familial isolated pituitary adenoma family. Endocr Pathol, 25:273-81,2014

20)Kobayashi N, Fukuhara N, Fukui T, Yamaguchi-Okada M, Nishioka H, Yamada S: Clinical characteristics of streptococcus pneumoniae meningoencephalitis after transsphenoidal surgery: three case reports. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo);54:629-33,2014

21)Nishioka H, Fukuhara N, Horiguchi K, Yamada S: Aggressive transsphenoidal resection of tumors invading the cavernous sinus in patients with acromegaly: predictive factors, strategies, and outcomes. J Neurosurg 121,505-510, 2014

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