
谷口 修一

谷口 修一

1) キャリア

2) 研究分野
 虎の門病院赴任後は、血液内科の仲間たちともっぱら当時本邦において成人にも応用されつつあった臍帯血移植をより安全に実施できるよう研究を進めてきました。臍帯血は、患者さんの体重あたりの細胞数が少なく、10−25%の生着不全をきたすという大きな問題がありました。臍帯血は全国のバンクに既に凍結保存されており、ドナーに負担をかけないこと、成人でも95%以上の確率で移植を可能にするという画期的なものですが、この生着不全を解決しないと臍帯血移植が市民権を得ることはないとの合言葉で臨床研究を進めました。臍帯血移植では他の移植に見られない移植後9日目頃に高熱と末梢性浮腫、下痢などの免疫反応が高率に見られること(day 9 fever, pre-engraftment immune reaction)、このサイトカインストームが血球貪食症候群ひいては生着不全をきたすことを証明し、またこの時期の免疫抑制を強化することで、現在では生着不全はほとんど見られないというレベルまでに我々の移植技術が発展して来ています。いずれの研究もtop journalに報告してきています(12-21)。

3) 今後の抱負



1. Taniguchi S, Dai CH, Price JO, Krantz SB. Interferon gamma downregulates stem cell factor and erythropoietin receptors but not insulin-like growth factor-I receptors in human erythroid colony-forming cells. Blood. 1997;90(6):2244-52.

2. Taniguchi S, Shibuya T, Harada M, Niho Y. Prostaglandin-mediated suppression of in vitro growth of erythroid progenitor cells. Kidney Int. 1989;36(4):712-8.

3. Taniguchi S, Shibuya T, Morioka E, Okamura T, Okamura S, Inaba S, et al. Demonstration of three distinct immunological disorders on erythropoiesis in a patient with pure red cell aplasia and autoimmune haemolytic anaemia associated with thymoma. Br J Haematol. 1988;68(4):473-7.

4. Taniguchi S, Dai CH, Krantz SB. Specific binding of interferon-gamma to high affinity receptors on human erythroid colony-forming cells. Exp Hematol. 1997;25(3):193-8.

5. Gondo H, Harada M, Miyamoto T, Takenaka K, Tanimoto K, Mizuno S, et al. Autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation for acute myelogenous leukemia. Bone Marrow Transplant. 1997;20(10):821-6.

6. Teshima T, Harada M, Takamatsu Y, Makino K, Taniguchi S, Inaba S, et al. Cytotoxic drug and cytotoxic drug/G-CSF mobilization of peripheral blood stem cells and their use for autografting. Bone Marrow Transplant. 1992;10(3):215-20.

7. Harada M, Taniguchi S, Teshima T, Makino S, Takamatsu Y, Akashi K, et al. Cryopreservation, cytokine mobilization, and autotransplantation of peripheral blood stem cells. Prog Clin Biol Res. 1992;377:297-308.

8. Makino S, Harada M, Akashi K, Taniguchi S, Shibuya T, Inaba S, et al. A simplified method for cryopreservation of peripheral blood stem cells at -80 degrees C without rate-controlled freezing. Bone Marrow Transplant. 1991;8(4):239-44.

9. Taniguchi S, Machi M, Ohno Y. Epstein-Barr virus-associated CD3- large granular lymphocyte leukemia presenting with polycranial nerve palsies. Blood. 1996;87(11):4914-5.

10. Taniguchi S, Yamasaki K, Shibuya T, Asayama R, Harada M, Niho Y. Recombinant human erythropoietin for long-term persistent anemia after major ABO-incompatible bone marrow transplantation. Bone Marrow Transplant. 1993;12(4):423.

11. Taniguchi S, Yamasaki K, Shibuya T, Asayama R. Spontaneous remission of acute adult T-cell leukaemia with chromosomal abnormality infiltrating to skin and liver. Br J Haematol. 1993;85(2):413-4.

12. Matsuno N, Yamamoto H, Watanabe N, Uchida N, Ota H, Nishida A, et al. Rapid T-cell chimerism switch and memory T-cell expansion are associated with pre-engraftment immune reaction early after cord blood transplantation. Br J Haematol. 2012.

13. Yamamoto H, Kato D, Uchida N, Ishiwata K, Araoka H, Takagi S, et al. Successful sustained engraftment after reduced-intensity umbilical cord blood transplantation for adult patients with severe aplastic anemia. Blood. 2011;117(11):3240-2.

14. Masuoka K, Uchida N, Ishiwata K, Takagi S, Tsuji M, Yamamoto H, et al. What is the upper age limit for performing allo-SCT? Cord blood transplantation for an 82-year-old patient with AML. Bone Marrow Transplant. 2011;46(4):619-20.

15. Takagi S, Ota Y, Uchida N, Takahashi K, Ishiwata K, Tsuji M, et al. Successful engraftment after reduced-intensity umbilical cord blood transplantation for myelofibrosis. Blood. 2010;116(4):649-52.

16. Takagi S, Masuoka K, Uchida N, Ishiwata K, Araoka H, Tsuji M, et al. High incidence of haemophagocytic syndrome following umbilical cord blood transplantation for adults. Br J Haematol. 2009;147(4):543-53.

17. Matsuno N, Wake A, Uchida N, Ishiwata K, Araoka H, Takagi S, et al. Impact of HLA disparity in the graft-versus-host direction on engraftment in adult patients receiving reduced-intensity cord blood transplantation. Blood. 2009;114(8):1689-95.

18. Uchida N, Wake A, Takagi S, Yamamoto H, Kato D, Matsuhashi Y, et al. Umbilical cord blood transplantation after reduced-intensity conditioning for elderly patients with hematologic diseases. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2008;14(5):583-90.

19. Kishi Y, Kami M, Miyakoshi S, Kanda Y, Murashige N, Teshima T, et al. Early immune reaction after reduced-intensity cord-blood transplantation for adult patients. Transplantation. 2005;80(1):34-40.

20. Miyakoshi S, Yuji K, Kami M, Kusumi E, Kishi Y, Kobayashi K, et al. Successful engraftment after reduced-intensity umbilical cord blood transplantation for adult patients with advanced hematological diseases. Clin Cancer Res. 2004;10(11):3586-92.

21. Uchida N, Wake A, Nakano N, Ishiwata K, Takagi S, Tsuji M, et al. Mycophenolate and tacrolimus for graft-versus-host disease prophylaxis for elderly after cord blood transplantation: a matched pair comparison with tacrolimus alone. Transplantation. 2011;92(3):366-71.

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