
磯島 豪

磯島 豪

1) 簡単なキャリアー(研究面・臨床面)
2000年に東京大学医学部医学科を卒業後、同大学小児科学教室に入局しました。東京大学医学部小児科、帝京大学医学部小児科、茅ヶ崎市立病院小児科、国立成育医療センター新生児科、同内分泌代謝科で研修した後に、東京大学医学部小児科助教、帝京大学医学部小児科講師として、小児科全般の診療・教育・研究を行い、2022年4月に虎の門病院小児科部長として赴任いたしました。専門分野は、小児内分泌代謝学で、特に小児の成長や骨代謝に興味があります。また、診療の合間に様々な研究を行っているうちに、基礎研究にも興味を持ち、メルボルンのセントビンセント医学研究所の骨代謝部門(Professor Natalie A Sims、Professor Emeritus Thomas John (Jack) Martin)に2年間留学して、皮質骨の成熟の基礎研究も行いました。

2) 研究分野
症例を通した橋渡し研究としては、低身長、副甲状腺機能低下症、長管骨の骨膜肥厚を特徴とするKenny-Caffey症候群2型の原因遺伝子をFAM111Aと同定いたしました。また、骨系統疾患であるNail-Patella症候群の原因遺伝子LMX1Bの異常により腎症のみを発症した症例を世界で初めて報告し、原因不明の腎症の中にLMX1B変異が存在する可能性を提唱し、その後のLMX1B関連腎症(巣状糸球体腎炎10型: OMIN#256020)の疾患概念確立に貢献いたしました。成長や骨に関係する疾患とのかかわりから、小児の成長に重要な皮質骨の成熟に興味を持ち、骨のリモデリングの分子生物学的な研究で著名なProf Natalie Simsの研究室(PTHrPを同定したProf Jack Martinも80歳を超えて現役でした)に留学いたしました。帰国後も骨についての研究を続けています。

3) 今後の抱負、アピール


4) 発表論文

  • Shinagawa T, Horikawa R, Isojima T, Naiki Y, Tanaka T, Katsumata N: Nonclassic steroid 21-hydroxylase deficiency due to a homozygous V281L mutation in CYP21A2 detected by the neonatal mass-screening program in Japan. Endocr J. 54 (6): 1021-5, 2007
  • Isojima T, Yokoya S, Ito J, Horikawa R, Tanaka T: Trends in age and anthropometric data at start of growth hormone treatment for girls with Turner syndrome in Japan. Endocr J. 55 (6): 1065-70, 2008
  • Isojima T, Yokoya S, Ito J, Horikawa R, Tanaka T: Inconsistent determination of overweight by two anthropometric indices in girls with Turner syndrome. Acta Paediatr. 98 (3): 513-8, 2009
  • Isojima T, Yokoya S, Ito J, Horikawa R, Tanaka T: New reference growth charts for Japanese girls with Turner syndrome. Pediatr Int. 51 (5): 709-14, 2009
  • Isojima T, Yokoya S, Ito J, Naiki Y, Horikawa R, Tanaka T: Proposal of new auxological standards for Japanese girls with turner syndrome. Clin Pediatr Endocrinol. 19 (3): 69-82, 2010
  • Makita N, Isojima T, Hiwatari M, Kitanaka S, Ida K, Iiri T: Painful thyroiditis and subsequent atrophic hypothyroidism after cord blood transfusion. Thyroid. 21 (10): 1157-8, 2011
  • Isojima T, Shimatsu A, Yokoya S, Chihara K, Tanaka T, Hizuka N, Teramoto A, Tatsumi KI, Tachibana K, Katsumata N, Horikawa R: Standardized centile curves and reference intervals of serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) levels in a normal Japanese population using the LMS method. Endocr J. 59 (9): 771-80, 2012
  • Kitanaka S, Isojima T, Takaki M, Numakura C, Hayasaka K, Igarashi T: Association of vitamin D-related gene polymorphisms with manifestation of vitamin D deficiency in children. Endocr J. 59 (11): 1007-14, 2012
  • Nakagama Y, Isojima T, Mizuno Y, Takahashi N, Kitanaka S, Igarashi T: Growth hormone deficiency: a possible complication of glucose transporter 1 deficiency? Acta Paediatr. 101 (6): e259-62, 2012
  • Isojima T, Harita Y, Furuyama M, Sugawara N, Ishizuka K, Horita S, Kajiho Y, Miura K, Igarashi T, Hattori M, Kitanaka S: LMX1B mutation with residual transcriptional activity as a cause of isolated glomerulopathy. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 29 (1): 81-8, 2014
  • Isojima T, Doi K, Mitsui J, Oda Y, Tokuhiro E, Yasoda A, Yorifuji T, Horikawa R, Yoshimura J, Ishiura H, Morishita S, Tsuji S, Kitanaka S: A recurrent de novo FAM111A mutation causes Kenny-Caffey syndrome type 2. J Bone Miner Res. 29 (4): 992-8, 2014
  • Yasudo H, Ando T, Takeuchi M, Nakano H, Itonaga T, Takehara H, Isojima T, Miura K, Harita Y, Takita J, Oka A: Systemic lupus erythematosus complicated with liver cirrhosis in a patient with Papillon-Lefèvre syndrome. Lupus. 23(14): 1523-7, 2014
  • Lee J, Isojima T, Chang MS, Kwun YH, Huh R, Cho SY, Sohn YB, Jin DK: Disease-specific growth charts for Korean infants with Prader-Willi syndrome. Am J Med Genet A. 167A (1): 86-94, 2015
  • Kwun Y, Kim SJ, Lee J, Isojima T, Choi DS, Kim DK, Huh J, Kang IS, Chang M, Cho SY, Sohn YB, Park SW, Jin DK: Disease-specific Growth Charts of Marfan Syndrome Patients in Korea. J Korean Med Sci. 30 (7): 911-6, 2015
  • Isojima T, Kushima R, Goishi K, Tsuchida S, Watanabe T, Takahashi N, Kitanaka S: Mineral status of premature infants in early life and linear growth at age three. Pediatr Int. 57 (5): 864-9, 2015
  • Matsushita R, Isojima T, Takaya R, Satake E, Yamaguchi R, Kitsuda K, Nagata E, Sano S, Nakanishi T, Nakagawa Y, Ohzeki T, Ogata T, Fujisawa Y: Development of waist circumference percentiles for Japanese children and an examination of their screening utility for childhood metabolic syndrome: a population-based cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health. 15 (1): 1121, 2015
  • Ersoy B, Kiremitci S, Isojima T, Kitanaka S: Successful intermittent intravenous calcium treatment via the peripheral route in a patient with hereditary vitamin D-resistant rickets and alopecia. Horm Res Paediatr. 83 (1): 67-72, 2015
  • Isojima T, Ishizawa M, Yoshimura K, Tamura M, Hirose S, Makishima M, Kitanaka S: Hereditary 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D-resistant rickets (HVDRR) caused by a VDR mutation: A novel mechanism of dominant inheritance. Bone Rep. 2: 68-73, 2015
  • Tamura M, Isojima T, Kawashima M, Yoshida H, Yamamoto K, Kitaoka T, Namba N, Oka A, Ozono K, Tokunaga K, Kitanaka S: Detection of Hereditary 1,25-Hydroxyvitamin D-Resistant Rickets Caused by Uniparental Disomy of Chromosome 12 Using Genome-Wide Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Array. PLoS One. 10 (7): e0131157, 2015
  • Matsubara H, Ishikuro M, Kikuya M, Chida S, Hosoya M, Ono A, Kato N, Yokoya S, Tanaka T, Isojima T, Yamagata Z, Tanaka S, Kuriyama S, Kure S: Design of the Nationwide Nursery School Survey on Child Health Throughout the Great East Japan Earthquake. J Epidemiol. 26 (2): 98-104, 2016
  • Yokomichi H, Zheng W, Matsubara H, Ishikuro M, Kikuya M, Isojima T, Yokoya S, Tanaka T, Kato N, Chida S, Ono A, Hosoya M, Tanaka S, Kuriyama S, Kure S, Yamagata Z: Impact of the great east Japan earthquake on the body mass index of preschool children: a nationwide nursery school survey. BMJ Open. 6 (4): e010978, 2016
  • Isojima T, Kato N, Ito Y, Kanzaki S, Murata M: Growth standard charts for Japanese children with mean and standard deviation (SD) values based on the year 2000 national survey. Clin Pediatr Endocrinol. 25 (2): 71-76, 2016
  • Isojima T, Sakazume S, Hasegawa T, Ogata T, Nakanishi T, Nagai T, Yokoya S: Growth references for Japanese individuals with Noonan syndrome. Pediatr Res. 79 (4): 543-548, 2016
  • Hirano Y, Itonaga T, Yasudo H, Isojima T, Miura K, Harita Y, Sekiguchi M, Kato M, Takita J, Oka A: Systemic lupus erythematosus presenting with mixed-type fulminant autoimmune hemolytic anemia. Pediatr Int. 58 (6): 527-530, 2016
  • Ishikuro M, Matsubara H, Kikuya M, Obara T, Sato Y, Metoki H, Isojima T, Yokoya S, Kato N, Tanaka T, Chida S, Ono A, Hosoya M, Yokomichi H, Yamagata Z, Tanaka S, Kure S, Kuriyama S: Disease prevalence among nursery school children after the Great East Japan earthquake. BMJ Global Health. 2 (2): e000127, 2017
  • Matsubara H, Ishikuro M, Kikuya M, Chida S, Hosoya M, Ono A, Kato N, Yokoya S, Tanaka T, Isojima T, Yamagata Z, Tanaka S, Kuriyama S, Kure S: Design of the Health Examination survey on early childhood physical growth in the Great East Japan Earthquake. J Epidemiol. 27 (3): 135-142, 2017
  • Zheng W, Yokomichi H, Matsubara H, Ishikuro M, Kikuya M, Isojima T, Yokoya S, Tanaka T, Kato N, Chida S, Ono A, Hosoya M, Tanaka S, Kuriyama S, Kure S, Yamagata Z. Longitudinal changes in body mass index of children affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake. Int J Obes (Lond). 41 (4): 606-612, 2017
  • Itoh M, Tomio J, Toyokawa S, Tamura M, Isojima T, Kitanaka S, Kobayashi Y. Vitamin D-Deficient Rickets in Japan. Glob Pediatr Health. 4: 2333794X17711342, 2017
  • Tamura M, Ishizawa M, Isojima T, Özen S, Oka A, Makishima M, Kitanaka S: Functional analyses of a novel missense and other mutations of the vitamin D receptor in association with alopecia. Sci Rep. 7 (1): 5102, 2017
  • Isojima T, Sakazume S, Hasegawa T, Ogata T, Nakanishi T, Nagai T, Yokoya S: Validation of auxological reference values for Japanese children with Noonan syndrome and comparison with growth in children with Turner syndrome. Clin Pediatr Endocrinol. 26 (3): 153-164, 2017
  • Isojima T, Hasegawa T, Yokoya S, Tanaka T: The response to growth hormone treatment in prepubertal children with growth hormone deficiency in Japan: Comparing three consecutive years of treatment data of The Foundation for Growth Science in Japan between the 1990s and 2000s. Endocr J. 64 (9) :851-858, 2017
  • Isojima T, Yokoya S, Ono A, Kato N, Tanaka T, Yokomichi H, Yamagata Z, Tanaka S, Matsubara H, Ishikuro M, Kikuya M, Chida S, Hosoya M, Kuriyama S, Kure S: Prolonged elevated body mass index in preschool children after the Great East Japan Earthquake. Pediatr Int. 57 (9): 1002-1009, 2017
  • Kikuya M, Matsubara H, Ishikuro M, Sato Y, Obara T, Metoki H, Isojima T, Yokoya S, Kato N, Tanaka T, Chida S, Ono A, Hosoya M, Yokomichi H, Yamagata Z, Tanaka S, Kure S, Kuriyama S: Alterations in physique among young children after the Great East Japan Earthquake: Results from a nationwide survey. J Epidemiol. 27 (10): 462-468, 2017
  • Nakata T, Ishida R, Mihara Y, Fujii A, Inoue Y, Kusaba T, Isojima T, Harita Y, Kanda C, Kitanaka S, Tamagaki K. Steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome as the initial presentation of nail-patella syndrome: a case of a de novo LMX1B mutation. BMC Nephrol. 18 (1): 100, 2017
  • Ohta S, Isojima T, Mizuno Y, Kato M, Mimaki M, Seki M, Sato Y, Ogawa S, Takita J, Kitanaka S, Oka A: Partial monosomy of 10p and duplication of another chromosome in two patients. Pediatr Int. 59 (1): 99-102, 2017
  • Tamura M, Isojima T, Kasama T, Mafune R, Shimoda K, Yasudo H, Tanaka H, Takahashi C, Oka A, Kitanaka S: Novel DHCR7 mutation in a case of Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome showing 46,XY disorder of sex development. Hum Genome Var. 4: 17015, 2017
  • Isojima T: Revision of the growth references for Japanese girls with Turner syndrome. Ped Endocrinol Rev. 14 (suppl 1): 240-25, 2017
  • Harita Y, Kitanaka S, Isojima T, Ashida A, Hattori M. Spectrum of LMX1B mutations: from nail-patella syndrome to isolated nephropathy: Pediatr Nephrol. 32 (10): 1845-1850, 2017
  • Isojima T, Yokoya S: Development of disease-specific growth chart in Turner syndrome and Noonan syndrome. Ann Pediatr Endocrinol Metab. 22(4):240-246, 2017
  • Kato N, Isojima T, Yokoya S, Tanaka T, Ono A, Yokomichi H, Yamagata Z, Tanaka S, Matsubara H, Ishikuro M, Kikuya M, Chida S, Hosoya M, Kuriyama S, Kure S: Earlier BMI rebound and lower pre-rebound BMI as risk of obesity among Japanese preschool children. Int J Obes (Lond). 42 (1): 52-58, 2018
  • Ono A, Isojima T, Yokoya S, Kato N, Tanaka T, Yamagata Z, Chida S, Matsubara H, Tanaka S, Ishikuro M, Kikuya M, Kuriyama S, Kure S, Hosoya M: Effect of the Fukushima earthquake on weight in early childhood: a retrospective analysis. BMJ Paediatr Open. 2(1): e000229, 2018
  • Yokomichi H, Matsubara H, Ishikuro M, Kikuya M, Isojima T, Yokoya S, Kato N, Tanaka T, Chida S, Ono A, Hosoya M, Tanaka S, Kuriyama S, Kure S, Yamagata Z. Impact of the Great East Japan Earthquake on Body Mass Index, Weight, and Height of Infants and Toddlers: An Infant Survey. J Epidemiol. 28(5):237-244, 2018
  • Mukai M, Fujita H, Umegaki-Arao N, Sasaki T, Yasuda-Sekiguchi F, Isojima T, Kitanaka S, Amagai M, Kubo A. A familial case of nail patella syndrome with a heterozygous in-frame indel mutation in the LIM domain of LMX1B. J Dermatol Sci. 90 (1): 90-93, 2018
  • Ogawa E, Isojima T, Sato Y, Motoyama K, Kodama H: Sexual precocity in a girl with early-onset Graves’ disease. Clin Pediatr Endocrinol. 27(3):165-169, 2018
  • Isojima T, Kato N, Yokoya S, Ono A, Tanaka T, Yokomichi H, Yamagata Z, Tanaka S, Matsubara H, Ishikuro M, Kikuya M, Chida S, Hosoya M, Kuriyama S, Kure S: Early excessive growth with distinct seasonality in preschool obesity. Arch Dis Child. 104(1):53-57, 2019
  • Minato T, Nomura K, Asakura H, Aihara A, Hiraike H, Hino Y, Isojima T, Kodama H: Maternal undernutrition and breast milk macronutrient content are not associated with weight in breastfed infants at 1 and 3 months after delivery. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 9;16(18):3315, 2019
  • Hosokawa Y, Higuchi S, Kawakita R, Hata I, Urakami T, Isojima T, Takasawa K, Matsubara Y, Mizuno H, Maruo Y, Matsui K, Aizu K, Jinno K, Araki S, Fujisawa Y, Osugi K, Tono C, Takeshima Y, Yorifuji T: Pregnancy outcome of Japanese patients with glucokinase-maturity-onset diabetes of the young. J Diabetes Investig. 10(6):1586-1589, 2019
  • Sugiyama M, Kanke K, Suenaga H, Isojima T, Fujishiro J, Hoshi K: Neonatal epignathus in the oral and pharyngeal regions: A case report. Oral Sci Int. 16: 40-46, 2019
  • Isojima T, Yokoya S: The value of anthropometric indices for childhood obesity in Japan. Ann Hum Biol. 46 (4): 293-297, 2019
  • Miura K, Harita Y, Takahashi N, Tsurumi H, Yasudo H, Isojima T, Hirata Y, Inuzuka R, Takizawa K, Toyofuku E, Nishimoto H, Takamizawa M, Ando T, Sugawa M, Yanagisawa A, Inatomi J, Nogimori Y, Kinumaki A, Namai Y, Hattori M, Oka A: Nonosmotic secretion of arginine vasopressin and salt loss in hyponatremia in Kawasaki disease. Pediatr Int. 62(3):363-370, 2020
  • Yoshii K, Isojima T, Piedvache A, Morisaki N, Tanaka T, Nagata S: Reduced pubertal growth in children with obesity regardless of pubertal timing. Endocr J. 67(4):477-484, 2020
  • Harita Y, Urae S, Akashio R, Isojima T, Miura K, Yamada T, Yamamoto K, Miyasaka Y, Furuyama M, Takemura T, Gotoh Y, Takizawa H, Tamagaki K, Ozawa A, Ashida A, Hattori M, Oka A, Kitanaka S: Clinical and genetic characterization of nephropathy in patients with nail-patella syndrome. Eur J Hum Genet. 28(10); 1414-21, 2020
  • Walker EC, Truong K, McGregor NE, Poulton IJ, Isojima T, Gooi JH, Martin TJ, Sims NA: Cortical bone maturation in mice requires SOCS3 suppression of gp130/STAT3 signalling in osteocyte. Elife. 9: e56666, 2020
  • Abalı S, Tamura M, Turan S, Atay Z, Isguven P, Güran T, Haliloglu B, Baş S, Isojima T, Kitanaka S, Bereket A: Hereditary vitamin D-resistant rickets: a report of four cases with two novel variants in the VDR gene and successful use of intermittent intravenous calcium via a peripheral route. J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab. 33(4):557-562, 2020
  • Motoyama K, Isojima T, Sato Y, Aihara A, Asakura H, Hiraike H, Hino Y, Mimaki M, Nomura K, Kodama H: Trace element levels in mature breast milk of recent lactating Japanese women. Pediatr Int. 63 (8): 910-917, 2021
  • Tanaka T, Kato N, Yokoya S, Ono A, Isojima T, Yokomichi H, Yamagata Z, Tanaka S, Matsubara H, Ishikuro M, Kikuya M, Chida S, Hosoya M, Kuriyama S, Kure S: Changes in height standard deviation scores during early life are affected by nutrition. Pediatr Int. 63(6):710-715, 2021
  • Ansari N, Isojima T, Crimeen-Irwin B, Poulton IJ, McGregor NE, Ho PWM, Forwood M, Kovacs CS, Dimitriadis EK, Gooi JH, Martin TJ, Sims NA: Dmp1 Cre-directed knockdown of PTHrP in murine decidua is associated with a life-long increase in bone mass, width, and strength in male progeny. J Bone Miner Res. 36 (10): 1999-2016, 2021
  • Tanaka H, Isojima T, Kimura Y, Inuzuka R, Kitanaka S: Novel de novo MYRF mutation: A possible cause for several clinically overlapping syndromes. Congenit Anom (Kyoto). 61: 68-9, 2021
  • Sato Y, Isojima T, Takamiya K, Motoyama K, Enkai S, Ogawa E, Kodama H, Yorifuji T, Mimaki M: Longitudinal glycamic profiles during remission in 6q24-related transient neonatal diabetes mellitus. Horm Res Paediatr. 94: 229-234, 2021
  • Isojima T, Sims NA: Cortical bone development, maintenance and porosity: genetic alterations in humans and mice influencing chondrocytes, osteoclasts, osteoblasts and osteocytes. Cell Mol Life Sci. 78: 5755-5773, 2021
  • Isojima T, Hasegawa T, Yokoya S, Tanaka T: Demographic characteristics of children with growth hormone deficiency from 1996 to 2015 in Japan: 20 years of data from the Foundation for Growth Science in Japan. Endocr J. 2022 in press.

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